What's New
“Jacob’s Well Project”
A team returned from the island to give Harvest Asia an update on the Jacobs Well Project.
The team reports 2 new wells have been set up.

"Nehemiah Housing Project"
2 Sisters from Indonesia’s National Prayer Network accompany Harvest Asia to supervise
the new housing structures in Yogjakarta. The new houses cost 500 dollars per house to
erect, taking 2 weeks to build each house. Local residents meet the teams eagerly to show
them how the project is advancing. New research is being done to experiment with a rattan
material instead of coconut wood for the construction, as it may speed up the project and
get victims into homes more quickly.

Children’s Street Ministry:
Harvest Asia visits a new “house” where street children are educated and many brought to
the Lord. The team supervises a class,  the food pantry and the ministry office.

Harvest House Project:
Harvest House is underway! A house has been located and a Harvest team has brought back
photos of the location!!